Welcome to the ICPIG Conference 2025









The International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), now in its XXXVI edition, since 1953 has been a forum for the discussion of nearly all fields of plasma science, covering modelling and experiments, from the fundamentals of elementary processes, basic data and discharge physics (including transport and interaction with walls), to applications. Topics include low and high pressure thermal and non-thermal plasmas including non-thermal plasmas in fusion devices and atmospheric and stellar plasmas, from modelling to diagnostics, from surface processing to plasma medicine, environmental protection and pollution control, plasma aerodynamics…

The XXXVI edition of ICPIG (ICPIG 2025) will be held in Aix-en-Provence, France, from 20 to 25th July 2025

The ICPIG 2025 conference is structured into:

  • 5 General invited lectures
  • 26 Topical invited lectures (two parallel sessions)
  • 36 Oral contributions (two parallel sessions)
  • 4 Poster sessions

During the conference the Von Engel and Franklin Prize is awarded. This prize is named in honour of two distinguished colleagues who have had a major role in ICPIG and its community since the original meeting in 1953: Hans von Engel and Raoul Franklin. It is awarded biennially to an individual for outstanding work in the field of the physics and technology of plasmas and ionized gases, as covered by ICPIG meetings

The ICPIG conference includes a social program with a welcome reception, an excursion and a conference diner


Schuman campus



Photo credits:
Sainte victoire: © OT Aix - Sophie Spiteri
Rotonde: © Office de Tourisme Aix-en-Provence
Schuman campus: Aix Marseille University



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