Conference topics

1. Elementary processes and fundamental data
2. Thermodynamics and transport phenomena
3. Plasma wall interactions, electrode and surface effects
4. Collective and nonlinear phenomena

Modeling, Simulation and Diagnostics
5. Modeling and simulation techniques
6. Plasma diagnostic methods

Plasma Sources and Discharge Regimes
7. Astrophysical, geophysical and other natural plasmas
8. Low pressure plasmas
9. High frequency and pulsed discharges

10. Non-equilibrium plasmas and microplasmas at high pressures
11. Plasmas in/with liquids
12. Thermal plasmas
13. Complex and dusty plasmas, ion-ion plasmas, mixed phase plasmas

14. Plasma created by laser and EUV radiations

15. Plasma processing of surfaces and particles

16. High pressure and thermal plasma processing
17. Medical, biological, environmental and aeronautical applications
18. Plasma power and pulsed power technology, particle and radiation sources
19. Other applications such as low temperature plasma applications for magnetically confined fusion

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