Abstract submission > How to submit

1) Write your abstract using the template provided here

Abstract are limited to one page maximum.

Submitted abstracts that do no follow the formatting guidelines will not be accepted.

2) Create an account on Sciencesconf.org

Click on the arrow next to login at the top right corner of the page and choose "Create account"


3) Fill the form


Validate your account using the link received by email

4) Connect to your account and submit your abstract

To submit an abstract, choose new submission on the side bar or "My Submissions" in "My Space"

Choose the type of presentation corresponding to your abstract in the drop-down menu.
If you wish to submit in the ICPIG special issue, choose the corresponding option.
Students who wish to have their poster considered for an award must choose the corresponding option.
Choose the topic of your abstract in the drop-down menu
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